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Subhana Allah, Sacred Texts in Human Chromosome

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A scientist whose discovery was as powerful as Gallileo, Newton and Einstein to prove about the link between the Koran and design the structure of the human body is Dr. Ahmad Khan.

He is a graduate Summa Honors from Duke University. Although he is young scientist who looks her up, only for God and for its genetic research. His room is decorated with calligraphy, paper-paper Awards, heaps of the shabby books and Scripture that often opens, indicating that it is a combination of scientists and lovers of Scripture.

One of the discoveries was the tumultuous world of science is the discovery of other information in addition to the construction of a polypeptide of codon DNA. The first verse that prompted his research was a letter “Fussilat” paragraph 53 which is also corroborated by the results of his discoveries of Professor Keith Moore expert embryologist from Canada. The Penemuanny was inspired when Khatib at the time of Friday prayers read out one paragraph which has something to do with biology. The sound of the verse is as follows: “…Sanuriihim ayatinaa filafaaqi wa yatabayyana lahum hatta anfusihim Internet annahu ul-haqq … “

Which means; “Then we will show you our signs in nature and in themselves, until it is clear to them that this is the truth”.

The initial hypothesis proposed Dr. Ahmad Khan is the word “ayatinaa” which means “God’s Verse”, described by God that the signs of his power there is also in man. According to Ahmad Khan of the verses of God is also in DNA (Deoxy Nucleotida Acid). He contended that there is a possibility the Qur’anic verse was part of the human gene. In the world of biology and genetics known DNA are present without producing the protein at all. Without this production Area is called Junk DNA or DNA is junk. In fact the DNA according to Ahmad Khan is far from meaning rubbish. According to the results of his research results, Junk DNA are strands of the oracles of God as a creator and as a sign of the greatness of Allah for a people who think. As disindir by God; Afala tafakaruun (if you guys don’t want to meditate or use common sense thoughts?).

After collaborating with his brother, Imran, an expert in the analysis of the system, its genetic laboratories get the project from the Government. The project was initially intended to examine the intelligence genes in humans. With their hard work Ahmad Khan tried to find the Arabic alphabet which may be formed from a chain of Codon on cromosome man. To produce the combination of Qur’anic verses. Finally on 2 January 1999 at 2 am, he found the first verse “Bismillahir Rahman ir Rahiim. Iqra ladzi Khalq bismirrabbika “; “read with your Lord who created the name”. The text is the beginning of surat Al-A’laq which is the first letter that God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in the cave of Hira. Strangely after the discovery of the first verse, another verse appear one by one in a hurry. Until now he has managed to find 1/10 verses of the Holy Quran.

In the interview cited “Ummi” issue 6/X/99, Ahmad Khan stated: “I am confident this discovery is amazing, and I risked my career for this. I discuss my findings with my colleagues; Clive and Martin a geneticist who had been cynical about Islam. I wrote two other scientists who has always been allergic to Islam i.e. And Larhammar from Uppsala University Sweden and Aris Dreisman from the University of Berlin.

Ahmad Khan then brought together so much in a few sheets of paper that contains the genetic codes in the human chain of codon cromosome namely; T, C, G, and A, respectively, Nucleotida code will generate the Arabic alphabet which when strung together would be the word of God that was amazing.

“Then we will show you our signs in nature and in themselves, until it is clear to them that this is the truth”. (QS Al Fussilat: 53)

Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar

Allaah knows best

Dr. Ahmad Khan-”the Holy Quran and genetic”,

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