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Eat Some Chocolate – It Could Treat Acute and Chronic Cough

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Having a Snickers bar when you are sick definitely won’t help you recover in any aspect. We know the sugar and additives contained in highly processed candy bars can wreak havoc on your health and immune function. But, recent research suggests that dark chocolate candy, high in cacao, can help you battle both acute and chronic coughs.

Researchers with the British National Health Service presented the findings of their study at the British Thoracic Society’s winter meeting in December. According to DailyMail, the researchers used about 300 people in 13 different U.K. hospitals, all suffering from a cough.

For the study, each participant was given 1,000 milligrams of the chemical theobromine (derived from cocoa) twice daily for two weeks. More than half (60%) of the participants experienced some relief. Unfortunately, the benefits stopped when the theobromine was stopped. >

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