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Study: Both Exercise and Whey Augment Human Growth Hormone Production,Which Can Keep Your Body Young

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

Exercise is one of the “golden tickets” to preventing disease and slowing the aging process.

One reason for this is because exercise is one of the most effective ways to regain insulin and leptin sensitivity and reverse insulin and leptin-resistance, which is a key to staying healthy as you get older.

But another reason why exercise is sometimes regarded as a real-life fountain of youth is because, when done intensely, it boosts your body's natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), a synergistic, foundational biochemical that addresses the serious muscle loss and atrophy that typically occurs with aging.

Intermittent fasting has many of the same benefits, including dramatically boosting HGH and optimizing insulin- and leptin sensitivity, which I’ll discuss more toward the end of this article. >

1 comment:

  1. How Exercise Can Change Your DNA,
