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Are teacher candidates problematic internet users?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fezile Ozdamli (2011) Are teacher candidates problematic internet users?, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.30, pp.2345 – 2349.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Internet usage among teacher candidates in Northern Cyprus. A total of 290 teacher candidates (mean age of 21.1 years, range of 16–29 years) were recruited from different departments from education faculty of Near East University at the beginning of the 1st term of 2010-2011 academic year. The teacher candidates filled the questionnaire which was developed for determine internet using states. At a glance result of the study, teacher candidates surf on website and social network sites, chat, and playing games every day. This can lead to problematic use of the internet.

Keywords: teacher candidates, internet users, problematic internet using;


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  1. Teacher candidates can use internet for search information, sharing course notes or other materials and communication with teachers and each others. Despite all these facts, some negativity brought about by the internet have emerged along with numerous benefits of the internet technologies. These negativities are; internet addiction, cyber bullying, and inability to access reliable information.

  2. According to Beard (2005) Internet has been blamed for decreased family time, strains upon relationships, decreased productivity in employment settings, perpetuation of false information, and the development or exacerbation of psychological problems.

    According to Young (1998) problematic Internet use can be found in any age, social, educational, and economic range.

  3. Pedagogues should develop scenarios that tell the positive and negative aspects of the Internet
    and convey guidance about how to use Internet in the most effective and efficient way to the young people.
