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The power of repentance

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Khalid Mahmood Abdul Ghafour
13 hrs ·

Summary of Hadhrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Sahib’s talk in the Plane of Arafaat

This place has a history which goes back to Sayyiduna Aadam alayhis salam. He was reunited with our mother Hawwa alayhas salam in this place and they both supplicated to Allah Ta’ala on Jabale Rahmah (Mountain of Mercy) with the words:
ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا و ان لم تغفر لنا و ترحمنا لنكونن من الخا سرين
“Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.”

Allah Ta’ala had accepted their du’a and thereafter showered his mercy upon them, forgave them, and then raised the status of Adam alayhis salam higher than before. This in itself shows the power of repentance.

May we take the lesson today of sincere repentance. May we ask Allah swt to keep us steadfast on our Tawba and may He accept our tawba.
May Allah swt forgive us and have mercy upon us. Ameen

Our beloved prophet, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Wa sallam also came here time again during his noble life. He visited this blessed place prior to his advent as a prophet (before Nabuwwah) and after his appointment too. He came here before and after his migration and also visited during Hajj al’Wadaa (The Farewell Pilgrimage).

During his farewell Hajj, he gave the famous sermon in which he emphasised on a few points:

1, "People! I may not see you after this year, so give me an attentive ear! Pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadhan, give Zakah of your wealth wholeheartedly, and obey those with authority among you.”

2. "All blood (which is the cause of retribution) from the Days of Jaahilyah (Ignorance) is buried under these feet of mine. The first blood I wipe out is that of the son of Rabee’ah Ibn Al Harith. He was a baby suckling among Banu Sa'd, and the tribe of Huzail killed him in revenge."

On another occasion during this Hajj, he told Jareer radiallahu anhu to silence people and then he said, "After my death, do not turn back (i.e. to ways gone by) by wearing armour, and breaking off the necks of one another (i.e. do not kill one another)."

He had also said, "Verily your blood, your properties, and your honour are (sanctified and) Haraam upon you, just like you regard this day of yours, this month of yours, this city of yours to be sanctified"

He had once said, "A person continues to progress in a good manner, as long as he does not shed haram blood. When he sheds haram blood, he is cut off." This means the ability of Khayr (performing goodness) is taken away from him and he keeps on murdering until he reaches Jahannam (hellfire).

It was for this reason that the great companion Abdullah Ibn Abbas radiallahu anhu held the view that a murderer's repentance is unacceptable.

Allah Ta’ala has said in the Quran "Whoever deliberately kills a believer, then his recompense is Jahannam. He will be remaining there forever, while Allah will be angry with him, and He will have cursed him and He has prepared for him a mighty torment" (4:93)

Today so much Muslim blood is shed by Muslims, never mind non-Muslims. Civil wars have done so much damage to the Muslim community that it seems beyond repair. Allah's Ta’ala wrath has fallen upon us.

Every innocent murder has its repercussions. After the merciless slaughter of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ibn Umar radiallahu anhumaa sitting in Masjide haram. Some Iraqi people asked him a question. He replied, "The people of Iraq are enquiring about a person in ihram killing a fly (ie. What kaffarah does he have to give?)! Do they not realise they have just killed the son of the daughter of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam (Hussain)! Sayyiduna Musa alayhis salam killed one person by mistake, but Allah Ta’ala highlighted, ‘You killed one person and we tested you in many ways.’”

The tests we are going through in this day and age, especially where Muslims are killing Muslims, are largely due to our own doings. From this Hajj that we are performing, a lesson we should always keep in our hearts is, that we will never shed a single drop of blood of an innocent person.

May Allah remove His wrath from upon us, and put a stop to the killings in Syria, Pakistan and everywhere. Ameen

3, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam went on to say, "Riba (usury) from the Days of Jahiliyyah is abolished. You may only demand for the original amount. Do not oppress and do not be oppressed. The first Riba I cancel is that of my uncle, Abbas son of Abdul Muttalib."

Taking interest money from people is a major sin, but paying interest is a great sin too. Many people don't realise this. They take out mortgages and loans, whereas others utilise their credit cards and then keep paying interest upon interest. Why waste your hard earned money and incur sins at the same time?

It's not compulsory to buy a house. If you don't have money, Rent! Many people spend their whole lives in rented properties.

Some people have money but they don't pay off their mortgages. There are others who buy multiple properties on mortgages and rent them out. They are committing a major crime.

I would not even recommend the usage of an Islamic mortgage. In fact, I would go on to say that it is totally against Islamic principles. This is because the concept of 'Dhulm' (oppression) still remains. In many cases it is worse as it becomes far more expensive than a conventional mortgage.

Islam created an environment of equality, sympathy, caring, sharing and social cohesion. Riba breaks this and creates an environment of greed and stinginess.

Islam stipulates that the wealthy should lend money and take back only the same amount, or less, or perhaps they should even forgive the person if he is poor and unable to pay. This Islamic spirit is wiped out right from the beginning, so how can it be called Islamic?

If someone was to ask why is it a major sin to pay interest? I would say because if nobody paid interest, where would those who charge Riba make their money from? Due to the fact that so many people are giving it, they keep on charging it and increasing it. Therefore, those who pay are the main cause of the Riba system's flourishing.

I implore you, do get rid of this mind-set which promotes the usage of usury. Make an intention that we will never pay a single penny of interest. In one hadith Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, "I will not buy something if I don't have the money to pay for it." (Bukhari)

Make an intention that we will only purchase something if we can pay for it, otherwise we will live without it.

4. He went on to mention the rights of wives by saying, "Fear Allah with regards to the women. You took them because Allah Ta’ala put them under your trusts. You made their private parts lawful for you, due to the instruction given by Allah Ta’ala. It is your right upon them that they do not allow into your property any person you dislike. But if they do so, you may reprimand them in a manner which does not leave behind any effects, it is their right upon you that you feed them and clothe them in a reasonable manner."

To beat one’s wife is Haram (forbidden). To hit one on the face is Haram and to hit a person in such a manner that blood comes out, or leaves bruises is also Haram. It was ignorant people who would do this and even today in some cultures, the ignorant behave in this manner. I read in a report that in the African countries, there are some Christian priests who beat their wives with whips and sticks, they also shave their heads off, and quote verses from the bible.

Islam has never allowed this type of behaviour. If anything, Islam eradicated this behaviour and promoted women's rights when Europe was still getting to grasp with social etiquette. This was a time when the Greeks would say that a women is the worst creature on the face of this earth.

Ummul Mu'mineen Aysha radiallahu anha says that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never raised his hand upon any of his wives. We should always keep his Sunnah ahead of our eyes.

If we ponder over these instructions, we will notice that he is putting more emphasis on Huqooq al’Ibaad (The Rights of Fellow human beings) than on Huqooq Allah (the Rights of Allah Ta’ala).

5. He then said, "I am leaving behind something that if you hold tight to it, you will never go astray. It is the book of Allah, (the Qur’an).

6. He also asked "And you will be questioned regarding me (my deliverance of the Message). How will you respond?” They all replied in unison and said, "We will testify that you delivered the message, and that you fully repaid the trust, And that you wished well for the Ummah".

Upon this he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pointed towards the sky with his index finger and lowered it towards the congregation saying "O Allah! Be witness!" he repeated this statement thrice.

It is on this day, in Arafat and 3 months before his death, that Allah revealed the verse upon him which declares that the religion has been completed.

Allah Ta’ala said, "This day I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My favours upon you and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion." (Surah Aale Imran)

May Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala keep us steadfast upon Islam. May He give us ability to practice upon the beautiful guidance given by the Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam during the final sermon of the farewell Hajj. May Allah Ta’ala forgive us and be pleased with us all. Ameen.

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