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Zakaat discharged to eligible recipients verified by Ulama

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nasihah (Advice): Ramadhan, the month of fasting, is also the time when many Muslims calculate and discharge their Zakaat. One of the fundamentals of Zakaat is to discharge Zakaat to eligible recipients. It is the onus of the individual to verify the Zakaat eligibility of the recipient.
If verification is not done and the person was not eligible for Zakaat, the Zakaat has to be repaid. It is of great concern that many individuals hand over their Zakaat to beggars standing at traffic lights. Many of these individuals are “professional” beggars who make so much money that it is compulsory on them to pay Zakaat let alone receive it. DO NOT GIVE ZAKAAT TO BEGGARS STANDING AT TRAFFIC LIGHTS. Individuals experiencing difficulty in discharging their Zakaat may forward their Zakaat to the Jamiat or a reputable organization and have their Zakaat discharged to eligible recipients verified by Ulama.

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