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Taraweeh Etiquette - Personal Hygiene

Monday, June 30, 2014

Among the etiquettes of the Masjid, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam was most particular about personal hygiene. It was the standing command of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam that anyone who ate from an offensive, odour-producing vegetable like onions or garlic must not enter the Masjid at the time of Salaah.

Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam states:
"Whoever eats from this foul smelling vegetable must not come near our Masjid."

Many Masaajid are faced with the following issues:

  • Individuals who continuously burp throughout the Taraweeh Salaah thereby producing foul odours and offending their Musallee neighbours.
  • Individuals who smoke and do not take measures to eliminate the smell from their mouths and bodies.
  • Individuals whose oral hygiene is lacking but fail to cleanse their mouths before the Taraweeh Salaah. Exacerbating the problem is that certain individuals continuously breath out through their mouths thereby causing acute stress to fellow Musallees.

Generally, people shy away from pointing out issues of hygiene, thus we should each introspect and adopt corrective measures if necessary.

Masjid Poster available here.

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians
223 Alpine Road, Overport, Durban

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