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Jom Hafal dan Amal Doa Masuk Pasar... 💞

Alhamdulillah.. Dalam Sunnah Rasulullah Saw ada Kejayaan.. Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah ajar banyak doa kepada kita agar kita sentiasa ingat...

Gardasil Exposed – Deadly Vaccine Pushed on Millions of Young Boys and Girls Worldwide

Monday, June 23, 2014

Gardasil is a vaccination that has been linked to multiple deaths and over 8,000 adverse reactions. Recently, the FDA approved this deadly injection to be used against anal cancer. This means that in addition to pushing Gardasil on millions of young men and women to “prevent” the human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil is now marketed towards men and women up to age 26 as a “preventative” tool against anal cancer.

Source : >

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