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Fluoridegate—Why is Poisoning of Children Considered a Valuable Public Health Policy?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

The debate over the dangers of fluoride has been ongoing for more than six decades. Study after study confirms that fluoride is a dangerous, toxic poison that bioaccumulates in your body while being ineffective at preventing dental decay.

Dr. David Kennedy’s documentary film Fluoridegate — An American Tragedy,1 exposes the sordid truth about water fluoridation, and it has nothing to do with promoting dental health.

Water fluoridation came about as the result of a massively successful PR campaign, and was reportedly first suggested as a way to protect aluminum and steel producers from lawsuits against the fluorine pollution coming from their plant.

In fact, what’s being heralded as a safe and effective prophylactic against cavities is actually a toxic industrial waste product, and it’s being added to water supplies because they have so much to get rid of, and toxic waste disposal is expensive. In a nutshell, a solution was devised in which hazardous waste could be eliminated at a profit. >

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