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Understanding Internet Usage : A Social-Cognitive Approach to Uses and Gratifications

Friday, November 9, 2012

Robert Larose, Dana Mastro, Matthew S. Eastin (2001) Understanding Internet Usage: A Social-Cognitive Approach to Uses and Gratifications, Social Science Computer Review 19: 395, DOI: 10.1177/089443930101900401


Several studies have applied uses and gratifications to explain Internet usage. Like Bandura’s social-cognitive theory, the uses and gratifications framework explains media use in terms of expected positive outcomes, or gratifications. However, previous uses and gratifications research accounted for little variance in Internet behavior, although there were conflicting results. This research identifies new variables from social-cognitive theory that might further explain Internet usage and resolve inconsistencies in prior research. Measures of self-efficacy and self-disparagement were developed for the domain of Internet behavior. Internet addiction was interpreted as a deficient self-regulation within the social-cognitive framework. Finally, the negative outcomes of online behavior were analyzed for their impact on Internet usage. In a survey of 171 college students, the social-cognitive model explained 60% of the available variance in Internet usage using multiple regression analysis, a significant improvement over prior uses and gratifications research.

Keywords: Internet use, Internet behavior, social-cognitive theory, self-efficacy, self-disparagement, gratifications, multiple regression models


  1. This research identifies new variables from social-cognitive theory that might further explain Internet usage and resolve inconsistencies in prior research.

    Measures of self-efficacy and self-disparagement were developed for the domain of Internet behavior.

    Internet addiction was interpreted as a deficient self-regulation within the social-cognitive framework.

    Finally, the negative outcomes of online behavior were analyzed for their impact on Internet usage.

    In a survey of 171 college students, the social-cognitive model explained 60% of the available variance in Internet usage using multiple regression analysis, a significant improvement over prior uses and gratifications research.

  2. Kajian ini mengenal pasti pembolehubah baru dari teori sosial-kognitif yang mungkin menjelaskan lagi penggunaan Internet dan menyelesaikan percanggahan dalam penyelidikan terlebih dahulu.

    Langkah diri keberkesanan-dan merendah diri telah dibangunkan untuk domain tingkah laku Internet.

    Ketagihan Internet telah ditafsirkan sebagai kekurangan kendiri dalam rangka sosial-kognitif.

    Akhirnya, hasil negatif tingkah laku dalam talian dianalisis untuk kesannya terhadap penggunaan Internet.

    Dalam kaji selidik 171 pelajar kolej, model sosial-kognitif menjelaskan 60% daripada varians didapati dalam penggunaan Internet menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, peningkatan yang ketara berbanding menggunakan terlebih dahulu dan penyelidikan suapan.

  3. ... uses and gratifications have disappointed when applied to the Internet as well.

    The purpose of this article is to critically examine uses and gratifications theory as it applies to the Internet and to propose a more comprehensive theory of Internet usage based on social-cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997).

  4. ...kegunaan dan suapan telah kecewa apabila digunakan untuk internet serta.

    Tujuan artikel ini adalah secara kritis memeriksa teori kegunaan dan suapan sebagaimana ia terpakai kepada Internet dan untuk mencadangkan satu teori yang lebih menyeluruh penggunaan Internet berdasarkan teori sosial-kognitif (Bandura, 1986, 1997).

  5. In recent years, the theory has been reformulated to stress comparisons between the gratifications sought from a medium with gratifications obtained (GO).

  6. Dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, teori telah merumuskan menekankan perbandingan antara suapan yang diminta dari medium dengan suapan yang diperolehi (GO).

  7. Gratifications sought do not in themselves predict media behavior very well; they have far greater explanatory power when compared with the gratifications obtained (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1981).

  8. Kepuasan yang dicari tidak dengan sendirinya meramalkan tingkah laku media dengan baik, mereka mempunyai kuasa penjelasan yang jauh lebih besar apabila dibandingkan dengan kepuasan yang diperolehi (Palmgreen, Wenner, & Rayburn, 1981).

  9. However, studies of the uses and gratifications of the Internet have tended to repeat the pattern of weak predictions of media behavior common to this body of research.

  10. Charney and Greenberg (2001) established eight gratification factors for the Internet:-
    1. keep informed,
    2. diversion and entertainment,
    3. peer identity,
    4. good feelings,
    5. communication,
    6. sights and sounds,
    7. career, and
    8. “coolness”

  11. The gratifications sought–gratifications obtained formulation is seemingly indistinguishable from an important mechanism in social-cognitive theory, enactive learning.

    Enactive learning describes how humans learn from experience.

    In the social-cognitive view, interactions with the environment (the media environment, in this case) influence media exposure by continually reforming expectations about the likely outcomes of future media consumption behavior (after Bandura, 1986).

    Seemingly, this represents the same process that describes the relationship among gratifications sought, media behavior, and gratifications obtained (Palmgreen et al., 1985).

    Recognizing this parallel, we next examine social-cognitive theory as a source of further insight into Internet usage.

  12. Kepuasan dicari-kepuasan diperolehi adalah seolah-olah tidak dapat dibezakan daripada mekanisme penting dalam teori sosial-kognitif, pembelajaran enaktif.

    Pembelajaran enaktif menerangkan bagaimana manusia belajar daripada pengalaman.

    Pada pandangan sosial-kognitif, interaksi dengan alam sekitar (persekitaran media, dalam kes ini) pengaruh media pendedahan dengan sentiasa pembaharuan jangkaan tentang hasil yang mungkin tingkah laku penggunaan media masa hadapan (selepas Bandura, 1986).

    Seolah-olah ini merupakan proses yang sama yang menggambarkan hubungan antara suapan dicari, tingkah laku media, dan suapan yang diperolehi (Palmgreen et al., 1985).

    Menyedari selari ini, kita akan mengkaji teori sosial-kognitif sebagai sumber wawasan lagi ke dalam penggunaan Internet.
