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The Hidden Cause of Psychiatric Disorders Almost No One Considers

Thursday, November 8, 2012

By Dr. Mercola

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is launching a study to see whether Streptococcus bacteria, which cause strep throat, scarlet fever, and other infections such as pneumonia, may also be responsible for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in childreni .

According to NIMH statistics, OCD affects approximately one percent of American adultsii .

People with OCD are beset with anxious persistent thoughts (obsessions), or feel compelled to perform certain rituals like hand washing or repeatedly checking things (compulsions).

For many people, the condition begins during childhood or the teen years. The Streptococcus bacteria create proteins that mimic human proteins, thereby evading your immune system. Once your immune system identifies them as "foreign invaders," it begins creating antibodies. >


  1. People with OCD are beset with anxious persistent thoughts (obsessions), or feel compelled to perform certain rituals like hand washing or repeatedly checking things (compulsions).

  2. Psychiatric conditions such as OCD are primarily believed to be the result of chemical dysfunction in your brain, or in some cases hereditary and therefore out of your control.

  3. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has successfully demonstrated the power and effectiveness of this theory. In her Cambridge, England clinic, she treats children and adults with a range of conditions, including autism, neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, immune disorders, and digestive problems using the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Nutritional Program, which she developed.

  4. Her GAPS theory is an elegant description of how such conditions can develop as a direct result of gastrointestinal toxicity. How might your gut turn into a source of toxicity rather than nourishment? Many aspects of our modern lifestyle contribute to destroying your all-important gut flora, including:

  5. Antibiotics; both from prescription antibiotics, and from consuming antibiotic-laden foods like non-organic meat, chicken, and milk from cows raised in Confined Animal Feeding Operations

  6. Aspartame, which inactivates digestive enzymes and alters gut barrier function, has been found to destroy up to 50 percent of your beneficial gut flora.

    Chlorinated and/or fluoridatediv water

  7. Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

  8. Pathogenic microbes can damage the integrity of your gut wall, and once your beneficial gut flora has been crowded out by pathogenic microbes inside your digestive tract, toxins and microbes can reach your bloodstream. And once they're in your bloodstream, they can reach your brain... Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) may manifest as symptoms that can fit the diagnosis of a wide range of conditions and syndromes, including:

  9. 1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
    2. Autism
    3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    4. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) without hyperactivity
    5. Dyslexia
    6. Dyspraxia

  10. Remember The Psychopath Child Who Wanted To Murder Her Family? THIS Is What Became Of Her…,
