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Computers as Persuasive Social Actors

Thursday, November 15, 2012

No studies have shown exactly how computing products trigger social responses in humans, but as the opening anecdote demonstrates, at times people do respond to computers as though they were living beings. The most likely explanation is that social responses to certain types of computing systems are automatic and natural; human beings are hardwired to respond to cues in the environment, especially to things that seem alive in some way. At some levelwe can’t control these social responses; they are casino jameshallison instinctive rather than rational. When people perceive social presence, they naturally respond in social ways—feeling empathy or anger, or following social rules such as taking turns. Social cues from computing products are important to understand because they trigger such automatic responses in people.

This chapter will explore the role of computing products as persuasive social actors—the third corner in the functional triad (Figure 5.1). These products persuade by giving a variety of social cues that elicit social responses from their human users.


  1. Social actor creates relationship
    - A social actor can be persuasive by
    1. Rewarding people with positive feedback
    2. Modeling a target behavior or attitude
    3. Providing social support

  2. Five Types of Social Cues
    1. Physical : Face, eyes, body, movement
    2. Psychological : Preferences, humor, personality, feelings, empathy, “I’m sorry”
    3. Language : Interactive language use, spoken language, language recognition
    4. Social dynamics : Turn taking, cooperation, praise for good work, answering questions, reciprocity
    5. Social roles : Doctor, teammate, opponent, teacher, pet, guide

  3. Lima jenis-jenis isyarat sosial
    1. Fizikal: Wajah, mata, badan, pergerakan
    2. Psikologi: Pilihan, jenaka, personaliti, perasaan, empati, "Saya minta maaf"
    3. Bahasa: penggunaan bahasa Interaktif, bahasa pertuturan, pengiktirafan bahasa
    4. Sosial dinamik: Turn pengambilan, kerjasama, pujian untuk kerja-kerja yang baik, menjawab soalan-soalan, kesalingan
    5. Peranan sosial: Doktor, rakan sepasukan, lawan, guru, haiwan, panduan

  4. Persuasion through Physical Cues,
    The Impact of Physical Attractiveness,
    - Simply having physical characteristics is enough for a technology to convey social presence. But it seems reasonable to suggest that a more attractive technology (interface or hardware) will have greater persuasive power than an unattractive technology.

    Principle of Attractiveness
    - A computing technology that is visually attractive to target users is likely to be more persuasive as well.

  5. Pujukan melalui isyarat fizikal,
    Kesan Tarikan fizikal,
    - Hanya mempunyai ciri-ciri fizikal adalah cukup teknologi untuk menyampaikan kehadiran sosial. Tetapi ia kelihatan munasabah untuk mencadangkan bahawa teknologi yang lebih menarik (muka atau perkakasan) akan mempunyai kuasa yang lebih meyakinkan daripada teknologi yang tidak menarik.

    Prinsip Tarikan
    - Satu teknologi pengkomputeran yang visual menarik kepada pengguna sasaran adalah berkemungkinan untuk menjadi lebih meyakinkan serta.
