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Jom Hafal dan Amal Doa Masuk Pasar... 💞

Alhamdulillah.. Dalam Sunnah Rasulullah Saw ada Kejayaan.. Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah ajar banyak doa kepada kita agar kita sentiasa ingat...

Toxic Alert: Herbicide Now Detected in Human Urine

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

By Dr. Mercola

Last year, doctors at Sherbrooke University Hospital in Quebec made the disturbing discovery that Bt-toxin from genetically engineered Bt corn in fact accumulates in the human body – contrary to industry assurances. The toxin was identified in 93 percent of pregnant women tested; 80 percent of umbilical blood in their babies; and 67 percent of non-pregnant women.

The study blew a giant hole in safety claims over genetically engineered Bt crops.

Now, results from a German study shows that people who have no direct contact with agriculture have significant concentrations of glyphosate in their urine. It's becoming quite apparent that genetically engineered crops are a source of multiple toxins, in addition to having been found to contain far lower levels of nutrients. So much for saving the world from starvation. >

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