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Jadual Waktu Sistem Badan Manusia!

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Common Body Care Ingredient Can Affect Your Thyroid Hormone

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Could this Commonly Used Body Care Ingredient Imbalance Your Hormones?

Triclosan is an antimicrobial chemical found in personal care and sanitizing products. It can be found in soaps, toothpaste, and hair products. But there have been recent concerns about its possible effects on human health -- and triclosan has been detected in human breast milk, blood, and urine samples.

A study evaluated the effects of triclosan in female rats. Triclosan was found to advance the age at which the rats hit puberty. Serum thyroid hormone concentrations were also suppressed by triclosan.

According to the study, as reported by Green Med Info:
“In conclusion, triclosan affected estrogen-mediated responses in the pubertal and weanling female rat and also suppressed thyroid hormone in both studies.”



  1. Some studies have shown that it can take only 26 seconds for something to be absorbed into the bloodstream after being applied to the skin.

  2. In order to have clear, healthy skin, you need to make sure your body is relatively free of toxins, so cleansing your body of dangerous substances while putting in the finest nutrients is essential. The organs responsible for providing you with beautiful skin include your liver, kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, and your large and small intestines.

  3. Dalam usaha untuk mempunyai jelas, kulit yang sihat, anda perlu pastikan badan anda adalah secara relatifnya bebas toksin, jadi pembersihan badan anda bahan berbahaya manakala meletakkan dalam nutrien yang terbaik adalah penting. Organ-organ yang bertanggungjawab untuk menyediakan anda dengan kulit yang cantik termasuk hati, buah pinggang anda, adrenals, tiroid, dan usus besar dan kecil anda.

  4. Beberapa kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa ia boleh mengambil hanya 26 saat bagi sesuatu untuk diserap ke dalam aliran darah selepas disapu pada kulit.

  5. Obese Kids Risk Thyroid Inflammation,
