(Health.com) -- Some children and teens are more likely than their peers to become addicted to the Internet, and a new study suggests it's more likely to happen if kids are depressed, hostile, or have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or social phobia.
Although an Internet addiction is not an official diagnosis, signs of a potential problem include using the Internet so much for game playing or other purposes that it interferes with everyday life and decision-making ability. (The diagnosis is being considered for the 2012 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the "bible" of mental ailments published by the American Psychiatric Association)
Past research suggests that 1.4 percent to 17.9 percent of adolescents are addicted to the Internet, with percentages higher in Eastern nations than in Western nations, according to the study published Monday in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
The Internet as therapy
In the survey of 2,293 seventh-grade students in Taiwan, 10.8 percent developed an Internet addiction, which was determined by a high score on an Internet addiction scale. Definitions vary, but an Internet addiction usually includes symptoms such as spending a lot of time on the Internet (especially more time than intended), an inability to cut back on usage, a preoccupation with online activities, and symptoms of withdrawal such as anxiety, boredom, or irritability after a few days of not going online.
The researchers from Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, in Taiwan, followed the youngsters for two years and found that ADHD and hostility were linked to Internet addiction in children in general. In girls -- but not boys -- depression and social phobia also predicted problems. Health.com: Therapy that can help depression
Boys were at a higher risk of Internet addiction than girls, and those who used the Internet for more than 20 hours a week, every day, or for online gaming, were at higher risk as well.>
Although an Internet addiction is not an official diagnosis, signs of a potential problem include using the Internet so much for game playing or other purposes that it interferes with everyday life and decision-making ability. (The diagnosis is being considered for the 2012 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the "bible" of mental ailments published by the American Psychiatric Association)
Past research suggests that 1.4 percent to 17.9 percent of adolescents are addicted to the Internet, with percentages higher in Eastern nations than in Western nations, according to the study published Monday in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
The Internet as therapy
In the survey of 2,293 seventh-grade students in Taiwan, 10.8 percent developed an Internet addiction, which was determined by a high score on an Internet addiction scale. Definitions vary, but an Internet addiction usually includes symptoms such as spending a lot of time on the Internet (especially more time than intended), an inability to cut back on usage, a preoccupation with online activities, and symptoms of withdrawal such as anxiety, boredom, or irritability after a few days of not going online.
The researchers from Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, in Taiwan, followed the youngsters for two years and found that ADHD and hostility were linked to Internet addiction in children in general. In girls -- but not boys -- depression and social phobia also predicted problems. Health.com: Therapy that can help depression
Boys were at a higher risk of Internet addiction than girls, and those who used the Internet for more than 20 hours a week, every day, or for online gaming, were at higher risk as well.>
Why ADHD is Not Just a Problem for Kids, http://healthland.time.com/2013/03/04/why-adhd-is-not-just-a-problem-for-kids/
ReplyDeleteADD/ADHD Parenting Tips, http://helpguide.org/mental/adhd_add_parenting_strategies.htm
ReplyDeleteC&P dr sebelah
ReplyDeleteApabila anak sulung saya menyuarakan kesedihannya kerana saya tidak membelikan beliau smartphone dan tidak membenarkan beliau menggunakan duit simpanannya bagi membeli sendiri, dengan alasan susah berhubung dan berbincang dengan rakan-rakan sebab semua menggunakan Whatsapp, saya kira beliau juga sudah cukup bersedia untuk saya jelaskan sebabnya.
Pada pandangan saya, ibu bapa yang memberi anak-anak smartphone pada usia 12 tahun, dengan kemudahan data, mereka telah mengambil langkah yang sangat salah.
Saya tanya anak saya tadi, “Yop rasa, kawan-kawan Yop, jika dalam telefon mereka keluar video perempuan telanjang, gambar lelaki perempuan telanjang, rasanya kawan-kawan Yop akan delete dan elak tengok, atau bagaimana?”
Anak saya tak boleh jawab.
Dan saya tanya lagi, jika dia sendiri adakah jiwanya cukup kuat untuk mengelak bahan lucah, judi atas talian, game atas talian, beliau menggelengkan kepala.
“Kalau Yop terjebak dengan benda-benda ni, Abi tak mampu tolong Yop sampai bila-bila. Yop akan berdosa setiap hari sampai dewasa, sampai mati. Abi tak nak Yop fikir Abi ni kolot, mengongkong, kedekut, I do this simply because I love you and I want to protect you”
Saya tidak berani mengaku yang saya ini techno savvy. Tetapi saya tidak buta teknologi. Saya mengendalikan website era pra blog semenjak 1997, menggunakan Palm VI seawal 1998 hingga ke era Samsung Galaxy S4 pada tahun 2013 dan iPad Air pada tahun 2014. Saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan ICT biar pun hanya bertaraf pengguna. Saya sentiasa pastikan diri saya pengguna celik. Bukan guna tetapi tidak sedar akan implikasi penggunaannya kepada fizikal, kognitif, emosi, sosial dan keberagamaan anak-anak kita. Saya berkongsi pesanan ini bukanlah sebagai ustaz cabuk pengguna telefon cap ayam.
Cukuplah dengan keterlanjuran kita membuka akaun Facebook untuk anak-anak sekolah rendah dengan menipu Zuckerberg akan tarikh lahir mereka. Ada sebab kanak-kanak di bawah usia 13 tahun dianggap belum wajar mempunyai akaun Facebook. Tetapi dengan memberi smartphone bersama peruntukan data, ibu bapa sesungguhnya menghantar anak-anak ke gigi NERAKA.
“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu, dan ahli keluargamu daripada Neraka. Ia dikawal oleh para Malaikat yang amat ganas dan keras, malah tidak sama sekali mengingkari Allah berkenaan apa yang diperintahkan ke atas mereka melakukannya” [al-Tahrim 66: 6]
Ibu bapa yang mencucuh putung rokok ke tubuh anak dan seterika anak dengan seterika panas, kita kata mereka berhati binatang dan kejam. Tidak kejamkah ibu bapa yang memudahkan jalan anaknya dibakar api Neraka? Mendedahkan anak kepada ketagihan pornografi, games, kebusukan bahasa dan kecelaan akhlaq? Keselamatan, penjenayah siber, pedophile?
Jangan over confident wahai daddy and mommy. Seriously, have a mercy upon your kids but saving them from the Hellfire.
Harap penjelasan sambil makan sushi tadi membantu dan beliau boleh terima.
Di dalam catatan ini saya mahu menekankan tentang peer pressure. Jika ibu bapa faham sekali pun, anak-anak belum tentu faham. Mereka perlu difahamkan. Kepada ibu bapa yang sangat baik hati bagi anak umur 12 tahun smartphone sendiri, tolonglah fikir balik.
Baca buku Technopoly oleh Neil Postman.
Sembang ABAH
Credit to https://www.facebook.com/1130738972/posts/10220756921969494/