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Showing posts with label Islamic Worldview and Civilization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Worldview and Civilization. Show all posts

In Islam, why dogs are considered impure animal

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In Islam, why dogs are considered impure animal?

All creatures are the creation of Allah Ta'ala and do deserve the recognition of being a creation of the Almighty. As much as Muslims detest even the sight of pigs - it is the creation of Allah Ta'ala - and because Allah has placed life into it, we cannot inflict pain nor torture the pig. Similarly Allah Ta'ala created the dog from among His creation. This does not mean that we should love the dog. It is perhaps the indoctrination of the Western culture that 'The dog is Man's best Friend'.

Worldview of the Early Muslims - a research

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

[caption id="attachment_775" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="Kufi by Lutfi"][/caption]

Menurut kefahaman saya, keperluan memperbetulkan tasawwur masyarakat Islam kini diperbincangkan kerana keinginan golongan ilmuan Islam untuk membangkitkan kegemilangan umat Islam sebagaimana zaman kegemilangan Baghdad dan Cordova dahulu.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya pula berpendapat bahawa keperluan dan pentingnya umat Islam kini untuk kembali kepada kefahaman dan tasawwur umat Islam kurun terawal demi mencapai kegemilangan Islam. Asas kepada pemikiran ini adalah keperluan untuk menyediakan dan membentuk masyarakat, sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan oleh Rasulullah, untuk menerima kemajuan dan kegemilangan tersebut.

Incumbency of Taqleed

Friday, March 4, 2011

Taqleed in the Shariah, as opposed to Admut Taqleed, means to follow the Qur'~n and the Sunnah as understood, interpreted, practised and transmitted to the Ummah by the Sah~bah (Companions) of Rasulullah (sallall~hu alayhi wasallam).

Taqleed which literally means to be fettered; to be tied and to follow, refers to a special and specific type of following in Islam. It refers to the rigid following of the Qur'~n and Sunnah as commanded by Allah Ta'ala Who says:
"O People of Im~n! Obey Allah and obey the Rasool....."

Numerous Qur'~nic ~y~t (verses) and Hadith narrations command this strict obedience and following which are known as Taqleed in the terminology of the Shariah.