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Showing posts with label Antibiotic Solutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antibiotic Solutions. Show all posts

5 Natural Antibiotic Solutions for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Our dependence on antibiotics has helped us to create some monsters—these monsters are antibiotic-resistant infections like superbugs being transmitted in hospitals, certain strains of E coli., and MRSA. The infections, if you went the traditional route, would be hard (if not impossible) to kill. But, there are foods that act as natural antibiotics that may prove effective where modern medicine is failing.

As a whole, doctors have been prescribing antibiotics at the slightest sign of illness, even for things they simply won’t help like the common cold. These prescriptions have been routinely handed out like candy despite the fact that illness, including common infections, can be successfully treated with a healthy immune system and a few natural helpers. All of this over-prescribing has led the bacteria which causes these illnesses to morph, evolving in the interest of self-preservation, into strains that will not be stopped with antibiotics, even those antibiotics largely considered to be the last resort. >