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Showing posts with label Acupuncture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acupuncture. Show all posts

Acupuncture for Children Shows Promise as Pain Treatment

Friday, April 19, 2013

When I was still a student there, I remember a discussion with one of the teachers at my acupuncture school, whose population was at least 90% of Chinese or Korean descent. “Americans are really afraid of needles,” she informed me, not in a derisive or aggressive way, but as more of a curiosity. “When we treat Americans, we must use the smallest needles.” I laughed like I always do, but now that I am a practicing clinician, I have frequently recalled her observation as I see people squirm at the mere mention of my pointy specialty (all the while, people can stand even larger cortisone shots. The truth is, though, that acupuncture for children and adults can be extremely beneficial. >