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How to Make Changes That Stick

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Don’t go it alone. Reach out and talk to someone. Get a workout buddy. Look for support groups or classes. Tell a friend or family member about your plan. Having support can help keep you on track. Sharing your challenges and successes makes the work easier and less scary, too.

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7 Exercises for Muscle Maintenance

To maintain your muscles, aim for 20 minutes of strength-training exercises two to three times a week―with at least one day off in between workouts so your muscles have time to rest, recover, and grow.

Liz Neporent, an exercise physiologist and the president of Wellness 360, a New York City-based corporate-wellness-consulting company, suggests the following seven exercises, which work most of the major muscles in your body. Do one to three sets of 8 to 15 repetitions of the exercises, resting no more than 45 seconds between sets to keep the workout challenging.

If you haven't used weights before or if you're out of shape, start with light weights (when they're called for) of two to five pounds and do fewer sets.

Exercise 1: Squat

Works: Buttocks and thighs

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, weight slightly back on your heels, hands on your hips. Pull your abdominals in, standing up tall with square shoulders and a lifted chest.
  • Sit back and down, as if there's a chair directly behind you. Lower as far as you can without leaning your upper body more than a few inches forward. Don't allow your knees to stick out past your toes.
  • Straighten your legs and stand back up. Be careful not to lock your knees at the top of the movement.

Exercise 2: One-Arm Row

Works: Upper and middle back and shoulders

  • Stand to the left of a chair, feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your palm facing in. Pull your abdominals in and bend forward from the hips so your back has a slight arch and you are roughly parallel to the floor, knees slightly bent. Put your left hand on the chair's seat for balance. Tilt your chin toward your chest so your neck is in line with the rest of your spine. Your right hand will be in front of your right shin.
  • Pull your right arm up along the side of your body until your elbow points to the ceiling and your hand brushes against your waist.
  • Slowly lower the weight back down. Complete the reps, then switch sides.

Exercise 3: Modified Push-Up

Works: Chest, abdominals, shoulders, and arms

  • Lie on your stomach, knees bent and ankles crossed. Place your palms on the floor a bit to the side and in front of your shoulders. Tuck your chin a few inches into your chest so your forehead faces the floor.
  • Straighten your arms and lift your body so you are balanced on your palms and knees, abdominals tight. Be careful not to lock your elbows.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your entire body at once. Rather than trying to touch your chest to the floor, lower just until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push back up.

Exercise 4: Shoulder Press

Works: Shoulders, arms

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and sit up tall on a chair that has firm back support. Place your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Pull your abdominals in so there is a slight gap between the small of your back and the back of the chair.
  • With palms forward, bend the elbows and raise the dumbbells up so they are level with your ears. Elbows should be at or just below shoulder height.
  • Straighten arms up over your head, without locking elbows, then slowly lower to start.

Exercise 5: Biceps Curls

Works: Biceps

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Let your arms hang down at your sides with your palms facing in. Pull your abdominals in, stand tall, and keep your knees relaxed.
  • Curl your right arm up, fist close to your shoulder, twisting your palm so that it faces the front of your shoulder at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the dumbbell back down, then repeat with your left arm. Continue alternating until you've completed the set. (One rep consists of a bicep curl with each arm.)

Exercise 6: Kick-Backs

Works: Triceps

  • Stand to the left of a chair. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, feet hip-width apart. Lean forward at the hips until your upper body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Place your free hand on top of the chair for support. Bend your right elbow so that your upper arm is parallel to the floor, your forearm perpendicular to it, and your palm facing in. Keep your elbow close to your waist. Pull your abdominals in and don't lock your knees.
  • Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm behind you until the end of the dumbbell is pointing down. Slowly bend your arm to lower the weight for one rep. When you've completed the set, repeat with your left arm.

Exercise 7: Plank

Works: Abdominals, shoulders, chest, lower back, buttocks, thighs

  • Lie on the floor, hands clasped in front of you roughly under your forehead, toes tucked under.
  • Press up to balance on your forearms and toes. Pull your abs in so your lower back does not sag and your hips do not drop.
  • Focus on keeping your torso straight and your abs pulled in to support you. Hold for 10 counts.

Muscle Tone


  1. When you create your goals in a positive way and use terms that focus on the behavior you want to build, you are more likely to succeed. It’s often easier to build a new habit than to quit a bad one.






  7. 1 / 10
    1. Fuel on protein
    Start reading food labels to get a sense of how many calories you’re already eating. Then, add 500 to that number and start eating that many calories every day. Aim to take in about 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight each day, ‘cus you’re probably not eating enough protein.

    2 / 10
    2. Limit cardio
    Ever thought about how much cardio can you do without losing muscle? Stick by this: You can do up to two days of light jogging on the treadmill, but keep it to around 30 minutes per session. To lose fat while sparing muscle, you’d do even better to perform sprint intervals; for instance, running all-out for a minute, then backing off to a light jog for two minutes. Do this for 30 minutes, three times a week.

    3 / 10
    3. Lower your reps
    Yes, there really is a rep range that builds the most muscle. Do no more than 20 sets per muscle group; closer to 12 is even better. Your reps should be between 6-12 per set for the most muscle growth, and your workouts should never last much longer than 45 minutes. In lieu of more volume, use heavier weights and move through each rep at a controlled speed. Your sets should last between 40-70 seconds; any less, and you’re not tensing your muscles long enough to shock them into growth.

    4 / 10
    4. Focus on total-body or split routines
    Not sure if it’s better to do three full-body routines or body-part specific workouts each week? You’ll get the best results from your workout by either training the entire body in a single workout or concentrating only on the upper body in one session and the lower body in another. There are advantages to each setup, but both are better than trying to isolate one muscle group in a single session. Concentrate on lifts that involve lots of muscles at once, such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and pullups.

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    5. Stretch it out
    Stretching of any kind (static, getting into a stretched position and holding it—or dynamic, moving fluidly in and out of position), using a foam roller, and getting massages will all help keep you flexible, prevent injury, and improve recovery between workouts.

    6 / 10
    6. Eat regularly
    You should wolf down five to six small meals a day, especially if you’re a hardgainer. As long as good-quality fuel keeps coming into your body—particularly protein and carbs—you’ll have the calories to build muscle and the metabolism boost to lose fat.

    7 / 10
    7. Change up your routine
    Every four to six weeks you need to alter some part of your routine—whether it’s the number of reps you do, the amount of time you rest, the exercises you perform, or any other training variable. Keep a journal of your workouts to record your progress.

    8 / 10
    8. Incorporate full-body exercises
    The more muscles you involve, either in one exercise or one training session, the greater the hormone release you’ll get from your training—that stimulates muscle growth all day long. Hitting each muscle group with roughly the same volume (such as five sets of rows after five sets of bench presses) will ensure balanced training, allowing you to grow quickly and safely, avoiding injuries and preserving flexibility.

    9 / 10
    9. Drink shakes
    Surround your workout with nutrition, starting with a high-protein and -carbohydrate meal about an hour beforehand. Mix up a protein shake that has a ratio of about 2g of carbs for every 1g of protein, and sip that throughout your workout. Afterward, finish the drink or mix a new one and drink that quickly. Believe it or not, whole foods are not the best option post-workout as they take too long to digest.

    10 / 10
    10. Rest & recover
    The ideal amount of sleep is seven to eight hours per night. You can let loose a night or two each week. But when you do, try to make up for it ASAP. Train no more than four times a week. As for your job, do whatever you can to avoid excess stress; chronic nervousness elevates cortisol, a hormone that makes your body store fat and burn muscle.








