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Difference between modern and Islamic way of life

Monday, September 2, 2013

Two main ingredients of an Islamic lifestyle are;
1. Modesty or Haya. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam has said , "Haya (modesty- feeling embarassed and ashamed of wrong ) is a part of iman.

2. Simplicity. Having a simple lifestyle. Simplicity in eating , dressing and everything wherever possible. The prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam again said , "simplicity is a part of Iman."

Opposite of Haya is indecency. The Quran commands us to stay far away from anything indecent,
ولا تقربوا الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن 
"And do not go near whatever is indecent , whether apparent or hidden."
Opposite of simplicity is "extravagance". In the Quran , Allah has stated,
ولا تسرفوا ان الله لا يحب المسرفين
"And do not be extragant. Allah does not like extravagant people."

Exyravagance is to indulge in something more and beyond what is essential and needed.
These have become the two main components of modern lifestyle; indecency and extravagance. 
Somebody summed this up really wonderfully,

We buy things we don't need,
With the money we don't have,
To impress the people we don't like.

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