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Alhamdulillah.. Dalam Sunnah Rasulullah Saw ada Kejayaan.. Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah ajar banyak doa kepada kita agar kita sentiasa ingat...

Omega-6 Fats in Processed and Deep Fried Foods Can Massively Increase Your Heart Disease Risk

Monday, March 4, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

A recent article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) throws conventional dietary advice on its ear. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), Americans should not reduce their consumption of omega-6 fats (think vegetables oils), and might even benefit from eating a little more.

The AHA has long promoted and still currently recommends getting at least 5 to 10 percent of your energy requirement from omega-6 fats, and teaches that reducing omega-6 PUFA intakes from current levels would likely increase your risk for coronary heart disease.

Unfortunately, this will worsen rather than improve your health, as eating too much damaged omega-6 fat and too little omega-3 sets the stage for the very health problems you seek to avoid, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, just to name a few. >

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