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Using Web 2.0 for Innovation and Information Technology in Education Course

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


New era of World Wide Web: web 2.0 features such as social network, blog, wikis are the most effective method of people connecting, knowledge sharing and comment posting to the world community. In this paper, web 2.0 technologies were transformed to focus on the main learning management for innovation and information technology in education class, 1st semester 2011which is one of the teaching profession course for bachelor of education. The course was implemented in 30 hours using Wikispaces as a content management system in information technology, innovation process and database for education content. The course provided tools, activities, social software and forums to students who had participated in the class or off campus. The results found that students had an argument, discussion and comment for all forums. They had an opportunity for thinking, self-learning and developing in innovation for education. They also created their own wikis to present their understanding of the innovation and information technology skills and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). The effective improvement of using web 2.0 was that teacher and students should take immediate feedback for all forums, reduce of feeling and general knowledge comments or discussion, and beware the plagiarism form websites.

Keywords:Web 2.0, Teaching Profession, wikispaces, Information and Technology in Education;

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