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Jom Hafal dan Amal Doa Masuk Pasar... 💞

Alhamdulillah.. Dalam Sunnah Rasulullah Saw ada Kejayaan.. Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah ajar banyak doa kepada kita agar kita sentiasa ingat...

Newest Blockbuster Diabetes Drug Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer

Thursday, December 27, 2012

By Dr. Mercola

Diabetes has increased more than 700 percent in the last 50 years. Today, more than one in four Americans are either pre-diabetic or have full-blown diabetes.

The conventional treatment route includes a variety of diabetes drugs, some of which have been found to do far more harm than good. Rosiglitazone, sold under the names of Avandia, Avandamet and Avaglim, is perhaps the most well-known in this category of unmitigated disasters. >

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