Social cognitive theory, used in psychology, education, and communication, posits that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. In other words, people do not learn new behaviors solely by trying them and either succeeding or failing, but rather, the survival of humanity is dependent upon the replication of the actions of others. Depending on whether people are rewarded or punished for their behavior and the outcome of the behavior, that behavior may be modeled. Further, media provide models for a vast array of people in many different environmental settings. >
The social cognitive theory explains how people acquire and maintain certain behavioral patterns, while also providing the basis for intervention strategies (Bandura, 1997).
ReplyDeleteEvaluating behavioral change depends on the factors environment, people and behavior.
SCT provides a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating programs.
Teori kognitif sosial menerangkan bagaimana manusia memperoleh dan mengekalkan corak tingkah laku tertentu, sementara juga menyediakan asas bagi strategi campur tangan (Bandura, 1997).
ReplyDeleteMenilai perubahan tingkah laku bergantung kepada faktor persekitaran, rakyat dan tingkah laku.
SCT menyediakan rangka kerja bagi merekabentuk, melaksana dan menilai program.
The Social Cognitive Theory is relevant to health communication.
ReplyDeleteFirst, the theory deals with cognitive, emotional aspects and aspects of behavior for understanding behavioral change.
Second, the concepts of the SCT provide ways for new behavioral research in health education.
Finally, ideas for other theoretical areas such as psychology are welcome to provide new insights and understanding.
Environment refers to the factors that can affect a person’s behavior. There are social and physical environments.
ReplyDelete1. Social environment include family members, friends and colleagues.
2. Physical environment is the size of a room, the ambient temperature or the availability of certain foods.
Environment and situation provide the framework for understanding behavior (Parraga, 1990).
The situation refers to the cognitive or mental representations of the environment that may affect a person’s behavior. The situation is a person’s perception of the lace, time, physical features and activity (Glanz et al, 2002).
Persekitaran merujuk kepada faktor-faktor yang boleh mempengaruhi tingkah laku seseorang. Terdapat persekitaran sosial dan fizikal.
ReplyDelete1. Persekitaran sosial termasuk ahli keluarga, rakan-rakan dan rakan-rakan.
2. Persekitaran fizikal adalah saiz bilik, suhu ambien atau adanya makanan tertentu.
Alam Sekitar dan situasi menyediakan rangka kerja untuk tingkah laku pemahaman (Parraga, 1990).
Keadaan ini merujuk kepada perwakilan kognitif atau mental persekitaran yang boleh mempengaruhi tingkah laku seseorang. Keadaan adalah persepsi seseorang renda, masa, ciri-ciri fizikal dan aktiviti (Glanz et al, 2002).
Teori Kognitif Sosial adalah relevan kepada komunikasi kesihatan.
ReplyDeletePertama, teori memperkatakan aspek, kognitif, emosi dan aspek tingkah laku untuk memahami perubahan tingkah laku.
Kedua, konsep SCT yang menyediakan cara baru untuk penyelidikan tingkah laku dalam pendidikan kesihatan.
Akhirnya, idea untuk kawasan-kawasan lain seperti teori psikologi dialu-alukan untuk memberikan pandangan baru dan pemahaman.
The three factors environment, people and behavior are constantly influencing each other. Behavior is not simply the result of the environment and the person, just as the environment is not simply the result of the person and behavior (Glanz et al, 2002).
ReplyDeleteThe environment provides models for behavior. Observational learning occurs when a person watches the actions of another person and the reinforcements that the person receives (Bandura, 1997).
The concept of behavior can be viewed in many ways. Behavioral capability means that if a person is to perform a behavior he must know what the behavior is and have the skills to perform it.
Social cognitive theory is a learning theory based on the ideas that people learn by watching what others do and will not do, these processes are central to understanding personality.
ReplyDeleteWhile social cognitists agree that there is a fair amount of influence on development generated by learned behavior displayed in the environment in which one grows up, they believe that the individual person (and therefore cognition) is just as important in determining moral development.
People learn by observing others, with the environment, behavior, and cognition all as the chief factors in influencing development.
These three factors are not static or independent elements; rather, they are all reciprocal. For example, each behavior witnessed can change a person's way of thinking (cognition).
Similarly, the environment one is raised in may influence later behaviors, just as a father's mindset (also cognition) will determine the environment in which his children are raised.
It is important to note that learning can occur without a change in behavior.
According to J.E. Ormrod's general principles of social learning, while a visible change in behavior is the most common proof of learning, it is not absolutely necessary.
Social learning theorists say that because people can learn through observation alone, their learning may not necessarily be shown in their performance.
Concepts of the Social Cognitive Theory
ReplyDeleteSource: Glanz et al, 2002, p169.
Environment: Factors physically external to the person; Provides opportunities and social support
Situation: Perception of the environment; correct misperceptions and promote healthful forms
Behavioral capability: Knowledge and skill to perform a given behavior; promote mastery learning through skills training
Expectations: Anticipatory outcomes of a behavior; Model positive outcomes of healthful behavior
Expectancies: The values that the person places on a given outcome, incentives; Present outcomes of change that have functional meaning
Self-control: Personal regulation of goal-directed behavior or performance; Provide opportunities for self-monitoring, goal setting, problem solving, and self-reward
Observational learning: Behavioral acquisition that occurs by watching the actions and outcomes of others’ behavior; Include credible role models of the targeted behavior
Reinforcements: Responses to a person’s behavior that increase or decrease the likelihood of reoccurrence; Promote self-initiated rewards and incentives
Self-efficacy: The person’s confidence in performing a particular behavior; Approach behavioral change in small steps to ensure success
Emotional coping responses: Strategies or tactics that are used by a person to deal with emotional stimuli; provide training in problem solving and stress management
Reciprocal determinism: The dynamic interaction of the person, the behavior, and the environment in which the behavior is performed; consider multiple avenues to behavioral change, including environmental, skill, and personal change.
Konsep Teori Kognitif Sosial
ReplyDeleteSource: Glanz et al, 2002, p169.
Alam Sekitar: Faktor-faktor fizikal luaran kepada orang itu; Menyediakan peluang dan sokongan sosial
Situasi: Persepsi persekitaran; misperceptions betul dan menggalakkan bentuk sihat
Keupayaan Tingkahlaku: Pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk melaksanakan tingkah laku yang diberikan; menggalakkan penguasaan pembelajaran melalui latihan kemahiran
Jangkaan: hasil jangkaan tingkah laku; hasil positif Model tingkah laku sihat
Jangkaan: Nilai bahawa orang yang meletakkan pada hasil yang diberikan, insentif; hasil semasa perubahan yang mempunyai makna yang berfungsi
Kawalan diri: peraturan Peribadi matlamat diarahkan tingkah laku atau prestasi; Memberi peluang untuk penetapan pemantauan diri, matlamat, penyelesaian masalah, dan ganjaran diri
Pembelajaran pemerhatian: pemerolehan tingkah laku yang berlaku dengan menonton tindakan dan hasil tingkah laku orang lain; Termasuk model peranan dipercayai tingkah laku sasaran
Bala: Responses kepada tingkah laku seseorang yang meningkatkan atau mengurangkan kemungkinan reoccurrence; Menggalakkan diri dimulakan ganjaran dan insentif
Sendiri keberkesanan: keyakinan seseorang dalam melaksanakan tingkah laku tertentu; Pendekatan perubahan tingkah laku dalam langkah-langkah kecil untuk memastikan kejayaan
Emosi menghadapi tindak balas: Strategi atau taktik yang digunakan oleh seseorang untuk berurusan dengan rangsangan emosi; menyediakan latihan dalam penyelesaian masalah dan pengurusan tekanan
Determinisme Bersaling: interaksi dinamik orang, tingkah laku, dan persekitaran di mana tingkah laku dilakukan; mempertimbangkan pelbagai saluran untuk perubahan tingkah laku, termasuk kemahiran alam sekitar, dan perubahan peribadi.