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Makkah or Jerusalem - the holy land in the Bible - Isaiah chapt 60

Monday, October 14, 2013

Millions of muslims have gathered from all over the world for Hajj in Makkah, the blessed land -land of peace.

There is a very interesting passage in the bible , in the old testament , in the book of Isaiah Chapt 60, which describes the holy land. Jewish and Christian scholars imply it upon Jerusalem while careful study and analysis shows , it cannot possibly fit Jerusalem but is in reality referring to Makkah.
Here are a few verses from the book of Isaiah chapt 60.

4. Lift up your eyes and look about you, all assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar,and your daughters are carried on the arm.

5.Then you will look and be radiant ,your heart will throb and swell with joy ,the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.
6....And all from Sheba will come , bearing gold and incense ,and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.

7.All Kedar's flocks will be gathered to you ,the rams of Nebaioth will serve you,.....And I will adorn my glorious temple. ......

11. Your gates will stand open, they will never shut day or night, So that men may bring you the wealth of the nations...

15. Although you have been forsaken and hated , with no one travelling through, I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations. .....

18. No longer will violence be heard in your land , nor ruin or destruction within your borders , but you will call your walls salvation and your gates praise. ..

From these verses we can see;
From verse four.., believers and pilgrims will come from far bringing wealth from across seas..
Hajj is obligatory upon the rich and when they come for it's performance from far and distant lands across land and sea , they come bringing some of their wealth with them .
From verse 6 , we can see pilgrims "proclaiming the praise of the Lord" which is exactly what pilgrims do on Hajj ,
"Labbaik , Allah-umma labbaik..."

Verse 7 tells us that "
Flock of Kedar will be gathered to you ..and rams of Nebaioth will serve you.."
From the book of Genesis in the old testament , chapt 25 verse 13, it says that Nebaioth and Kedar were the sons of Ishmael ( Ismail alaihissalaam).
So from here we see that the descendents of Ismail will reside in the vicinity of God's glorious temple. Descendents of Ismail alaihissalaam have always lived in Makkah and not Jerusalem.

11. Your gates will always remain open, never shut by the day nor night...This again is only fitting upon Masjid ul Haraam in Makkah where the praise, worship of Allah and tawaaf around the Ka'abah takes place around the clock.

15. Although you have been forsaken and hated, with no one travelling through. ...we know Jerusalem has never been forsaken, spiritually or militarily. Spiritually , there were many prophets sent there and also many conquerors in their conquests passed through Jerusalem , but that was never the case with Makkah. After Ismail alaihissalaam , there was no prophet sent there and neither did any foreign invader or conqueror pass through there. And when Muhammad sallallaho alaihe wasallam was sent , he was the last prophet from Allah and Makkah became
"The everlasting pride and joy of all nations."

18. "No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders..."
This bit is very significant and important because the Quran says that when Ibraheem alaihissalaam brought Hajirah (Hagar ) and Ismail alaihimussalaam and left them where Makkah is now , he made a special prayer to Allah,
" And when Ibraheem (alaihissalaam) Said , O Lord ! Make this land of peace.! " (Quran chapt 2 verse 126)
Jerusalem has never been a land of peace. Throughout history many invaders have attacked and conquered Jerusalem causing so much bloodshed:
-Nebudchadnezzar , a Babylonian king invaded Jerusalem in the 6th century B.C. killing many thousands of Jews and took man as captives bsck to Babylon.
-Romans invaded and captured Judea. .
-persians captured palestine from the Romans in the 7th century.
-Romans then captured it back from them.
-Muslims during the Khilaafah of Hazrat Umar radhi Allaho anho captured it from the Romans.
-The Crusaders then captured Jerusalem from the Muslims .
-Salahuddeen Ayoubi then captured it from the crusaders and it remained in the control of the muslims until it became part of Israel. And even today hardly a day goes by when there isn't any violence there in some form or another.
On the contrary , Makkah has never been invaded by any foreign conqueror or ruler and even by old Arab customs was consideed to be a sacred land of sanctity.
So all in all , this passage from the bible , book of Isaiah chapt 60 gives a wonderful and detailed description of God's chosen and blessed land , a land where God's praise is proclaimed by believers from far and distant places , who bring their wealth across seas, to praise God day and night and in a forgotten and forsaken land, a of peace where there is no violence....can only be Makkah and not Jerusalem.

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