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Tableegh and the present Crisis of the Ummah

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Some people have been asking me what's the stance of tableeghi ulemas in regards to what's happening in Egypt, Syria etc. 

NOTE : This is NOT an official response of tableegh elders but my personal view in light of what I have learnt and understood from them. 

They feel hurt for muslims wherever there is a calamity or a problem. They also pray for them for Allah to have mercy upon them. They do know and understand what is going on. They just don't speak about it in public. Speaking about such issues does not by any means resolve them. The public are already aware of such issues. Just as there are many other issues that many others don't talk about. Founders and elders of Tableeghi jamaat regard the solution of all the problems of the ummah in returning to deen, repenting and submitting to Allah. Starting and initially focusing on iman and building one's relationship with Allah. 

Politics is a part of Deen , no one can deny but to understand and realise what is the need of the time and the best approach is another and much complex affair, as the the situation in Syria , Iraq Egypt and many other instances has proven. Getting thousands killed , thousands orphaned and widowed , with millions others effected in terms of having houses burned , properties looted , women raped etc with no solution or plan for a solution in sight is hardly kindness and goodness to the affairs of the ummah. Whenever there has been a revolution throughout the history of Islam similar bloodshed has occured , trouble towards the end of Hazrat Uthmaan's khilaafah, battle of the camel, Siffeen, etc. This is exactly why Hazrat Uthmaan chose to die at the hands of the rebels but did not allow anyone to raise the sword even against the rebels and mischief mongers because he understood the outcome and valued the honour and blood of muslims. Also during the battles of Jamal (camel) and siffeen, many sahaabah did not involve themselves with either group and chose to sideline themselves.

Recent events in Egypt ( Turkey and Bengladesh ) have proven that the majority of muslims are not ready to accept Islam totally as a complete system governing not just prayer but extending to all social economic and political affairs. If someone tries to impose Islam upon them , people will resist and even reject this change leading to many muslims crossing the border of Islam.

Tableegh elders Alhamdolillah realise and understand the sensitivity of the issues and their real practical solution. Molana Yousuf Kandhalvi rahimahumullah ( former Ameer of Tableegh) once said, 
"If I am giving authority and power to implement Shariah , I will not do so for another 50 years, because the ummah is not ready for this yet."
Many people might not and probably won't even understand let alone accept what he said, but we see how true he was in what he said then.

Abdullah ibn Umar radhi Allaho and Imam Zainul Aabideen rahimahumullah, made baiyah of Yazeed and while others broke it , he refused not only to break his pledge but encouraged all those close to him , who would listen to him to do the same . ( Bukhari). Yazeed in response then gave specific orders when he sent an army to attack Madinah that Abdullah ibn Umar and Zainul Aabideen and their famillies and property should not be touched.

No one can deny the importance of Islamic politics but having the insight to deal with and resolve the issues fruitfully is a totally different thing. 

So Tableegh elders while being aware of , concerned and praying for the ummah regard continuing the effort of Dawah and Tableegh wihout any political involvement in the present climate (and for the foreseeable future) as the real and practical solution for all the problems and affairs of the WHOLE Ummah.

Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq

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