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Qitaal is jihaad but NOT the ONLY form of jihaad

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Qitaal is jihaad but NOT the ONLY form of jihaad. (Proof from Quran).

Just as every Pakistani is Asian but every Asian is not Pakistani or every Englishman is British but every British person is not necessarily English, similarly Qitaal fee sabeelillah is Jihaad but every jihaad fi sabeelillah is not necessarily Qitaal.

In Surah Furqan which is a chapter revealed in Makkah, therein Allah has stated in chapt 25 verse 52
فلا تطع الكافرين وجاهدهم به جهادا كبيرا
"So do not obey the disbelievers and make jihaad against them with this (Quran), the bigger jihaad."
So while the sahaabah were in Makkah, not allowed to fight but they were commanded to engage in a superior form of jihaad which was obviously not "qitaal bil saif" but "jihad bil Quran" including tableegh of it's teachings (Tafseer Ma'aariful Quran by Mufti Shafee sahib r.h) as Qitaal had not been permitted yet. 

Although this verse was revealed prior to hijrah in Makkah but the mufassireen have not declared it to be mansookh , so it's authority remains. A form of jihaad with the Quran other than qitaal being declared to be a superior form of jihaad , " jihaadan kabeeraa " not in a weak or fabricated hadeeth but in Quran by Allah himself.

Some people however argue that when the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam migrated to Madinah , the jihaad mentioned in the verses revealed subsequently is "ONLY QITAAL". This claim is not only NOT supported by the Quran but rather the opposite is proven to be the case.

One of the final chapters to be revealed is Surah Taubah, most of which was revealed in the 9th and 10th year after Hijrah, in other words about one year before the prophet's demise and after the conquest of Makkah. In this Surah in verse 73 and also in Surah Tahreem , Allah has commanded the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam ,

يايها النبي جاهد الكفار والمنافقين
"O prophet ! Make jihaad against kuffaar (disbelievers) and munaafiqeen ( hyprocrites). In this verse, mentioned in two places in the Quran, there is a clear command of Allah to the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam to wage jihaad against the kuffaar AND munaafiqs. The prophet did carry out jihaad in the form of Qitaal with many a kaafirs but there was no Qitaal or jihaad bil saif against any group of munaafiqs. Rather when surah "Munaafiqoon" was revealed , some sahaabah requested permission to behead munaafiqs but the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam rejected their request and said , "What will the people say that Muhammad ( sallallaho alaihe wasallam) , kills his companions."

Mufti Shafee sahib rahimahullah , while explaining verse 73 of Surah Taubah has quoted from Tafseer Qurtabi and Tafseer Mazhari that, "While the issue of jihaad with kaafirs is clear , however jihaad with munaafiqs as proven from the practice of the prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam is a "Verbal " form of jihaad to invite these munaafiqs to the truth of Islam so that they may also become sincere muslims."

So in conclusion , from the Quran we can see that the term jihaad is a very general and broad term comprising of "all struggle for the spread and establishement of deen." This includes Qitaal but is not restricted to Qitaal or jihaad bilsaif by any means.

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