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Jom Hafal dan Amal Doa Masuk Pasar... 💞

Alhamdulillah.. Dalam Sunnah Rasulullah Saw ada Kejayaan.. Baginda Rasulullah Saw telah ajar banyak doa kepada kita agar kita sentiasa ingat...

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Honouring a Faasiq

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Khat by Hasan Celebi
 "When a faasiq is praised, the Arsh of Allah shudders."
A faasiq is a flagrant violator of the Shariah. When such a person is praised or honoured, the Wrath of Allah Ta'ala descends. When even the magnificent Throne of Allah Ta'ala shudders, it will be easy to understand the gravity of the crime of honouring a faasiq. For this reason it is haraam to allow a beardless person, i.e. o­ne who shaves or cuts his beard, to lead the Salaat or become the Muath-thin or to be a Musjid/Madrasah trustee or to allow a beardless qaari the honour of the Musjid platform to recite to the musallis as was the case recently when a faasiq qaari from Egypt was honoured in many Musaajid of the country.

Source :

Ibn Mubaarak and the Barkat of Halaal Food

Friday, April 1, 2011

[caption id="attachment_966" align="alignleft" width="233" caption="Khat by Hasan Celebi"][/caption]

Most Muslims must have heard the name of the illustrious Saint, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak (rahmatullah alayh). His father, Mubaarak, was the slave of the Qaadhi of the City of Ray. The piety of his slave had made an indelible impression o­n the Qaadhi who was a very wealthy and prominent member of the community. Inspite of high-ranking and elite members of the community proposing marriage for his daughter, the Qaadhi married his daughter to his slave, Mubaarak.

The Qaadhi Saheb too was a pious man, hence he made the decision to have his daughter married to his slave. Taqwa was the criterion for his decision. After the bride was delivered to her husband Mubaarak, the now freed slave, he did not consummate the marriage for forty days. Both he and his wife remained in Ibaadat for this period. Meanwhile Mubaarak ensured that he fed his wife with halaal tayyib food for forty days.

Organ Donation

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

[caption id="attachment_944" align="alignleft" width="240"] Khat by Hamid Aytac[/caption]

Is it permissible for a Muslim to consent for the removal of parts of his body while he is alive, for transplantation for the benefit of close relatives?

Answer: This is not permissible under any circumstances. Organs may not be taken from even a dead body. Man is not the owner of his body. He may therefore not give away any parts of his body. If he was the owner of his body, suicide would have been permissible. The Shariah also prohibits the derivation of any use whatsoever from parts of the human body.

Can organs of non-Muslims be used in Muslims?